Saline Simon


June 5, 2012
I have been buying a few items for my London trip this month to make sure I will look amazing when I leave. I really want something comfortable to wear when I go around London shopping and looking at everything and I found this gorgeous Wildfox shirt. It’s all I really want for this summer. Big, oversized and black. I will wear it with nude legs, my spiked lita boots and huge sunglasses. 

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  • Reply Anonymous June 7, 2012 at 10:10 am

    Beautiful Sebastian, you will look amazing without a doubt. Especially you could wear the eye makeup you had on the last "cake faced Friday" video ; totally stunning !
    You will amaze Londoners like you spellbind everyone who loves you from your videos. It will be so easy and natural for you. After all you are the Queen of the rainbow unicorn mermaids, and what can be more amazing than that.
    Hope you're having fun getting ready though. And I hope you have a great trip and FABULOUS birthday darling.
    Love you dear
    Dwight from Cali

  • Reply Anonymous June 7, 2012 at 3:42 pm

    always love wildfox <3

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