Current state of my bedroom floor. I always forget just how big a project it is to clean out my wardrobe, and it always turn into a one-woman fashion show for me anyway. I’m that kinda person who, even after not wearing a piece of clothing for two years, still can’t get myself to get rid of it. Perhaps one day I’ll be needing it, I tell myself. The last time I threw clothes away I packed two huge plastic bags and donated it to a secondhand store, and I to this day still mourn it sometimes. At least this way I get to see what’s in the back of my closet, which is great whenever I change up my haircolors. But oh, the mess. It cannot be explained. When I’m done here, hopefully I can finish editing a new video and have it uploaded either tonight or tomorrow!
I'm not surprised you don't want to get rid of anything, that looks like a lot of cool clothes <3
The Quirky Queer
Thank you! I guess that's what you get when you obsessively collect clothes for 8 years 😛