Saline Simon

Versace for H&M must haves.

October 27, 2011
 This is my absolute favorite item from this collection. The shape is amazing, the color scheme is perfect and I absolutely love the print. It’s made of quilted velour and has gold buttons all the way down. This is the one thing I’m absolutely sure I’m gonna buy and the price is really affordable. I can already see this with my pastel pink hair and a highwaisted black skirt. $150/799,-
 Palm printed, shiny stretchy leggins. I’m really not the leggins-loving kinda person, but I think this print is very unique and I can Imagine it going so well with the jacket above. Also I’m loving the bright colors and the fact that there is some dark or black contrasts on them. Costs $47/249,-
Short sequin dress with open bag and funky print. I really like the mix of colors and the sunset theme. 
I doubt that I ever will get over my sequin obsession and this dress costs $150/799,-

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  • Reply Anonymous October 28, 2011 at 9:12 am

    "Really affordable"? 800 kr?
    Really, how rich are you?

  • Reply Saline Simon October 28, 2011 at 11:06 am

    Hvad vil du have jeg skal svare?

  • Reply Anonymous November 2, 2011 at 10:17 pm

    Egentligt er det jeg er mest nysgerrig omkring er hvordan det er at leve et liv hvor 800 kr. er noget man kan bruge på en jakke, i stedet for på havregryn, pasta og skinketern til at overleve måneden.

  • Reply Saline Simon November 17, 2011 at 5:11 pm

    Det kommer jo sådan set ikke dig ved. Hvad jeg bruger mine penge på er mit valg og hvis du skal bruge penge på havregryn med skinketern så kommer det jo heller ikke mig ved. Masser af mennesker shopper for langt større budgetter hver måned så jeg kan ikke se hvordan dette giver mening.

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