Saline Simon


July 25, 2012
The last few weeks have been so good, summer has finally arrived in Denmark and I’ve been feeling very social. I’ve spent a weekend visiting my wonderful grandmother, playing minigolf, going to fleamarkets and adopting two new cactus plants, a stonecat and cute stuff for my apartment (I’ve started working on getting more plants for my place and just ordered new butterfly and sunflower magnets so I can cover my fridge in photos) also I went to eat too much chinese food celebrating my grandmothers birthday and played alcoholic poker with my brother and boyfriend and I’ve been partying and drinking like a crazy teenager like I used to a few years ago. Oh summer.
As the weather seems to keep getting better I have a lot planned the upcoming weeks. Tomorrow I’m gonna catch up with a friend of mine, friday I’m going to a brigde opening ceremony to celebrate that two of my friends have bought allotment gardens and saturday I’m meeting up with my friend who just worked with Lanvin for a wonderful campaign. Life is good.
What have you guys been up to?

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  • Reply coinOPERATEDfoetus July 25, 2012 at 11:58 pm

    You are such a beaut! <33

  • Reply Saline Simon July 26, 2012 at 12:35 am

    Thank you babe! Love your name, it reminds me of Coinoperated Boy from The Dresden Dolls <3 xo

  • Reply fashion rock my world July 26, 2012 at 12:54 am

    it sounds like you have a soooo great summer days . enjoy it ! 🙂
    I have been travelling to Germany, I stayed at munich(haha, Yami's city ), and also go to Nice, you know there is an amazing lavender field. yeah.. I am living at Manchester, so after Olympic games and my dissertation for my college, I will plan to travel around again, maybe Denmark is my first destination. hope so!

    have a nice day! beautiful <3 ❤

  • Reply Vero July 26, 2012 at 3:53 am

    Omg u are so perfect. I really admire you. Im always pendent of new videos from you. U are so beautiful. I enjoy watching ur videos . Plz never stop posting. And more videos plzzZZZZ. U are the best

  • Reply Rachel K.R. July 26, 2012 at 6:16 pm

    Hi Sebastian. I am just trying to live through the HOT summer here in the Midwest of the United States. Today is a little better. Thank you for sharing your photos. I love the koi ponds. I asked on a videos, so it may have been lost in all of the comments: How do you get around Denmark since there is a lot of water, like when you go to Copenhagen next month? Do you use ferry boats, bridges? I love picture of the beautiful sea, water, and my favorite mermaid, Sebastian! Have a fun weekend.

    • Reply Saline Simon July 27, 2012 at 12:09 am

      I take the train and ride over a bridge and under the water in one of those underwaterscarytunnels, but I'm sure you could sail from Jutland to Copehagen! Hope you're enjoying yourself! xo

  • Reply The Domestic Goddess July 28, 2012 at 11:33 pm

    Aside from back pain, dealing with a dishonest client … life is good! lol Glad to see you're having fun in the sun! oxo Care

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