Saline Simon

The 30 day squat challenge

September 16, 2013
Okay guys, so as you will hear in todays video, I just started the 30 day squat challenge, and I think you should do it with me if you feel like it! I believe this challenge was made famous by Kim Kardashian a while back, and so today I took some before shots of my butt that I will post along with some after shots when the 30 days are over.
The schedule is pretty straight forward and the first 50 squats weren’t too hard to do at all. Below I will link a squat tutorial for you guys, so go go go!

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  • Reply Anonymous September 16, 2013 at 9:03 pm

    you should do and eyebrow vs shaved eyebrow video this week sharing your opinion expieriences getting a job with no eyebrows how it works when you are working ect like pros and cons of having no eyebrows in your video week it will be very informative. 🙂

    -xoxo mathew_mutilation have a great week you!!

    • Reply Saline Simon September 23, 2013 at 9:06 pm

      Dont think having no eyebrows is that big of a deal 🙂 xo

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