I have seen more and more of these cool sweaters on tumblr and it’s such a good idea to use real pictures on sweaters. A few people have asked me where to get them or at least something like it, and after researching a bit with no good results I’m turning to you. The last few times I’ve been obsessed with something, someone on this blog always knew where to get it. It is rather annoying that where the brand should be someone drew it over with black.But if anyone know where to get something like this, please contact me or comment this post!
Altså, H&M er lige kommet ud med et par T-shirter der har print over det hele, ca. ligesom det nævnt ovenfor, bare med bambie'er og skyer og sådan noget.
Jeg tror det er svært at finde, tror faktisk det er noget de laver selv hvis jeg skal være ærlig. Men aner det ikke, sorry >:
omg….i NEED that wednesday addams one!
I don't know where to get them from but in the fashion industry they are normally called photo prints not real picture prints. Hope this helps in the request for finding them. x
Those are Photoshopped. 🙁
Amber: Thank you, I will check it out xoxo
Bicky: Well, they might be photoshopped, but I'm sure someone made something like this :))
I will, and I shall find them! – I've seen them on blogs before: http://by-fat.blogspot.com/2011/09/craving-for-real.html
I'm just going to write this in english so everyone can see, but I found out where the shirts are from. They are not available yet, but they might be in the future. See more of them here – http://sexy-sweaters.tumblr.com
Hej Sebastian.
Jeg har også virkelig beundret de sweaters meget inde på Tumblr, men det værste er, den side hvor de lægger billederne af sweatrene ud på, er dem der laver dem, og de sælger dem ikke ud.. 🙁