Saline Simon


October 24, 2012
Miss Selfridge cardigan – Saint Tropez sequin dress – old H&M bracelet – eBay bindi

I’m going to visit a friend of mine and drink coffee in 30 minutes to borrow her my iPhone charger since mine got stolen when I was in Copenhagen, boo. I also just wanted to show you how pale my hair is getting already, I can’t wait to go lilac/lavender again, the only sort of annoying thing though is having to wash and dry all my extensions everytime I wash my own hair so that the colors will fade together. Anyway, I’m gonna wear my huge, floor-length, grey faux fur coat with this outfit so I can feel all cuddly and warm walking through the beautiful streets filled with orange leaves and trees going to sleep for the winter.

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  • Reply Fashion Rocker October 26, 2012 at 4:42 pm

    so beautiful as always sebastian! by the way what´s this thing on your forehead? is it an aplique or something? you were wearing it on the live show and i was just wondering, it looks fierce! xoxo

  • Reply Saline Simon October 27, 2012 at 8:57 pm

    Thank you love! It's a bindi, it's supposed to protect you from evil spirits and demons and also give you concentration – so I thought I would try it haha xo

  • Reply Caspin October 29, 2012 at 5:51 pm

    Orange leaves! Already? Well, here, too..but that sounds so lovely haha very unlike here lol

    I know exactly what you mean because I had to do that many many times to get my 'like' hair.
    You do suit with that little bit of strong lilac though! x

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