Saline Simon

Fall style mood 2013

October 1, 2013

My strategy to beat winter sadness when grey days, less sunlight and colder weather hits will be wearing loads of colors, funny textures and contrasting materials. I actually for once love a huge range of upcoming trends – colorful fur coats, knitted beanies, thigh boots and statement outerwear in general. It’s a perfect time to bring out all my favorite vintage faux furs, the temperature just needs to drop a few more degrees. Oh and pink. I wan’t all pink everything.

Is there any trends you guys are obessing over?

Saline Simon

Instagram photo diary

October 1, 2013
A few photos from the past month or so just for the ones who don’t have or use instagram. I’ve been settling in to Copenhagen, getting excited about fall, fashion, hopefully getting a new job soon and then a new apartment! I’ve went through a few different haircolors too, and now I’m fading out the latest neon green dye. 
On sunday I went back to my family’s place for the week to get a little break from Copenhagen and catch up with friends and family. Are you guys as excited about october as I am?
Saline Simon

Tokyo Streetstyle inspiration

September 23, 2013

People often question me about where I find inspiration and if I get inspired by any certain japanese styles, and mostly my answer has been no. I feel like there’s an endless range of underground styles in Japan and what really inspires me is just how different and extreme some of them are. I’ve been visiting Tokyo Fashion regularly just to catch up on the wonderful outfits you see in the streets of Shibuya and Harajuku, it’s so fun to see well known designer brands that most bloggers know, but also all the underground japanese brands, bloggers and style icons you may or may not know. Madame Yulia, Alisa Ueno and Eva Cheung are a few of my favorites. 

If you’re in the mood for bold colors, hair in every color, over the top looks and outfits that can never be too much, tokyofashion is definitely a place for you.
What look is your favorite guys? 
Saline Simon

The 30 day squat challenge

September 16, 2013
Okay guys, so as you will hear in todays video, I just started the 30 day squat challenge, and I think you should do it with me if you feel like it! I believe this challenge was made famous by Kim Kardashian a while back, and so today I took some before shots of my butt that I will post along with some after shots when the 30 days are over.
The schedule is pretty straight forward and the first 50 squats weren’t too hard to do at all. Below I will link a squat tutorial for you guys, so go go go!

Saline Simon

Juju Jellies

September 15, 2013

I have been sort of loving the juju jelly shoes for the past few months, at first I absolutely hated them because they reminded me of the notorious crocs, but something about them just bring back nostalgic childhood memories to me, and they go hand in hand with my small obsession with plastic clothes. They are just kitch enough to be perfect. Kind of bummed summer is over, but I’ve grabbed a very affordable pair of pastel pink jellies on eBay (I’ve sinned again) that will be perfect for next year in spring. 

What do you guys think of these shoes?