Saline Simon

Nürnberg photodiary

January 22, 2014
Starting the year off with nine days in Bayern was pretty much perfect for me. I haven’t been travelling since my trip to London in 2012, so it was wonderful to get a change of scenes. From monday to friday I stayed with Yami Maya and on friday I went on a one day trip to beautiful Munich with my boyfriend and two of his friends. I sort of fell in love with that city – the mixture of strip clubs, casinos and neon lights in contrast to Bavarian churches and old architecture seemed perfect to me and we had a beautiful view from our hotel room as shown on the last picture. On friday night we went out for dinner and I had one of the best pizzas in my life (which says a lot!) in the mediterranian resturant of Marriott Courtyard before having a party in our hotel room. My grey faux fur coat, oversized floppy hat and vanilla macchiatos have been three essentials for me during this trip, perfect for the rainy, semi-cold weather. Next stop is Berlin or Amsterdam!
Saline Simon

Baby turns blue

January 16, 2014
Today we officially filmed our first video together after going a bit crazy with my new curling wand. It’s been more than three months without doing videos for both of us so I think we both felt a little rusty, but I finally got around to actually testing my new camera’s video function for real. I have a feeling it’ll work out kind of amazing in daylight. Tomorrow Ryan is coming back and then we’ll head to Munich on friday with two of his friends – and I really, really need to step up my outfit posts!
Saline Simon

Outfit | Undercover

January 9, 2014

H&M hat – Holy Malice sunnies – second hand faux fur – second hand shirt – Rose Wholesale skirt – Rose Wholesale bag – old boots 

Running erands on no sleep, literally, sometimes feel a lot easier with a little disguise. The weather is windy and wet today so my floppy hat and sunnies don’t just hide my face from the world, but also protects me from mother nature. The sidebraid is both practical for the weather situation and for hiding how bad my extensions need a trim, which I will hopefully be able to do tonight before leaving for Germany tomorrow! I’ll be away for nine days, so lot’s of outfit posts from beautiful Nürnberg will follow. The skirt and bag are both new and worked so well for this comfy-no-sleep-running-erands-in-disquise-look, while the boots have been a staple winter item in my wardrobe for around ten years soon. These pictures (and many more to come) was taken by my wonderful friend and photographer Rebecca Bregnum. How is the weather where you guys live?

Saline Simon

Outfit | Patent leather, lace & green fur

January 6, 2014
I like the idea of mixing different materials and textures, especially in wintertime where you won’t overheat and die from wearing faux fur or patent leather. The shoulder warmer is a recent H&M newin that I showed you guys along with the Topshop skirt too. This is pretty close to my new years outfit, except my hair was straight and I wore no jewelry or accessories. I’m also convinced that the shoulder warmer will start to look rather dingy after a few wears due to the quality, bohoo.

It’s so funny to me that patent leather has become so big when only five years ago people would point their fingers at me on the street and wrinkle their noses, and now you see it all over the high-street. This Topshop skirt really do both look and feel nice compared to patent leather items bought for a lot cheaper in erotic boutiques.

Last summer I went to a fleamarket that I always visit while staying at my grandmother, we go there after having spent a few hours by a beach that I’ve went to since I was a little kid, and usually all three of us – grandmother, littlebrother and I – find at least two things to take along with us. I bought the ring from the picture above and have been wearing it like crazy the last few months for obvious reasons. The earrings are 80’s vintage.

Saline Simon

Dansk mode skandale! WoodWood/Lina Rafn/X-factor!

January 4, 2014
(This post will be in danish, not english)
Jeg ser ikke så meget TV, og helt bestemt ikke et program som X-Factor – det har jeg altså bare lige lidt for meget street cred til, ikås? Men da jeg heller ikke lever under en sten, er det altså ikke smuttet min næse forbi, at vi lige nu, i skrivende stund, oplever en af de allerstørste modekriser til dags dato. 
Igår da en ny sæson af det åh-så-fantastiske X-Factor startede, havde dommer (og berygtet dansk mode ikon) Lina Rafn valgt at iføre sig en WoodWood cap, til 240 kroner, over sit lange, blonde hår. Under udsendelsen tweetede WoodWood grundlægger Karl Oskar Olsen ”Tag den kasket af tak !!! #xfactor” hvilket er blevet retweetet omkring 49 gange og har startet en kæmpe debat på internettet. 
I løbet af dagen har jeg brugt mere tid end jeg vil indrømme på at fnise over folks reaktioner på twitter under #woodwoodgate, og sjældent har jeg set så voldsom reaktion over noget så.. Ligegyldigt.
Lina’s undskyldning om at hun ikke havde tænkt sig om da hun iførte sig kasketten under optagelserne og at hun sagtens kan forstå at WoodWood ikke vil associeres med et så kommercielt TV program som X-Factor når det nu er et mærke for en lukket kreds af ”feinschmeckere” er for mig helt hen i vejret når 1. Der er fem WoodWood butikker i Europa 2. Kasketten er på tilbud til 240 kroner (hvor eksklusivt) og 3. Karl Oskar Olsen åbenbart også selv sidder og følger med i X-Factor.
Er det virkelig så slemt at blive associeret med X-Factor, når det tydeligvis har givet SÅ god reklame efter dette? Jeg tvivler på hvor mange almene danskere overhovedet anede at der var noget der hed WoodWood før nu, og da slet ikke at nogen havde opdaget hvem designeren af kasketten var. Eller er problemet at det er Lina Rafn som har kasketten på? Det kunne selvfølgelig også bare være snobberi fra Karl Oskar’s side?
Jeg er død spændt på at høre hvad i synes? Finder i hele denne sitaution mindst ligeså tosset som jeg gør, eller har i altså også bare virkelig stærke følelser om lige netop denne kasket på Lina Rafn’s X-Factor ansigt?