Saline Simon

Outfit | Rainbow winter

February 10, 2014

Miss Selfridge turban – Local Celebrity shirt – Asos jumpsuit – eBay faux fur – eBay sunnies – Jeremy Scott sneakers

I’m not exactly sure what I was thinking while getting dressed this morning, but it was definitely something about being ready for spring to kick in. It was also super comfy since I spent the day walking around Copenhagen, and Jeremy Scott’s pink poodle sneakers are just perfect for days like this. Wearing this outfit to call upon spring worked cause we got about five minutes of sun – much success! My hair crisis is still going strong, so I saw this as an opportunity to go a bit crazy with colors before my new extensions will arrive and I can dye them red and become the living version of The Little Mermaid. Pictures taken by my photographer friend Rebecca.

Saline Simon

Did makeup on Zebra Katz for Vice

February 4, 2014
On friday I had the pleasure of doing makeup on American rapper Zebra Katz who you might know from this song that I’ve been more obsessed with than I care to admit. I brought black glitter for glitterbrows and a rather funky hat-type-thingy, but we ended up just fixing the skin a bit, adding some slight contour and putting some color on the brows. All products used are by MAC. He was interviewed by my friend Danika from Vice Denmark and you can find the article + credits right here. Both photos belong to Vice Denmark.
Saline Simon

Outfit | Fashionweek

January 30, 2014
Romwe sunglasses – secondhand faux fur – Front Row Shop t-shirt – Black Milk leggins – UNIF Hellbound shoes – eBay pyrite ring – Rosewholesale bag
In honor of (my badly planned) fashionweek, this was my outfit yesterday. This week I only have two events to go to, but obviously still had to dress up to be there in spirit. A friend and I went to Rosabryndis’ showroom last night after having shot these pictures in minus degrees – note, red hands and snow on the ground – while almost freezing to death. This outfit were a strange mix of me trying to stay warm, and fail, but also playing around with materials and textures instead of color. I wanted to let my red hair and lips be in focus in contrast to the pretty understated colors of the outfit. Now I have two boring days of studying in front of me before the second fashionweek event on saturday.
Saline Simon

Neon red hair

January 28, 2014
The past six months has sort of been a hair adventure for me. I’ve been through pink, blonde, yellow, green and every nuance of purple you can imagine before ending on a very stubborn unwelcome blue. For a few months I’ve been playing with the thought of going red, just try to it. Red used to be one of my favorite colors that you would always see me in when I was younger, and so yesterday boredom hit me and I went red. I still prefer my pastels, but this is gonna be fun for a while. After this I have one more (very drastic change of) hair color I wanna try out before I go back to pale pink and bleached brows. Oh ps. I forgot my flat iron in Germany, so I’m kind of in the middle of a hair crisis.
What do you guys think? I’m very excited for your reactions! ♥
Saline Simon

Days to recharge

January 24, 2014

This is what you’ll find me doing on days where I just need a break to reconnect with myself and find new energy. Shamelessly having breakfast in bed with a bunch of magazines and comfy, cuddly socks. Yoga on my carpet before taking a long shower, then pampering my skin with DIY masks, mixtures and different oils. Catching up on blogs and videos while eating lunch and sitting by my computer. Fixing my nails, hair and watching tons of movies will most likely also be on my list. 

What do you guys do on days like these?