Saline Simon

Outfit | Patent leather, lace & green fur

January 6, 2014
I like the idea of mixing different materials and textures, especially in wintertime where you won’t overheat and die from wearing faux fur or patent leather. The shoulder warmer is a recent H&M newin that I showed you guys along with the Topshop skirt too. This is pretty close to my new years outfit, except my hair was straight and I wore no jewelry or accessories. I’m also convinced that the shoulder warmer will start to look rather dingy after a few wears due to the quality, bohoo.

It’s so funny to me that patent leather has become so big when only five years ago people would point their fingers at me on the street and wrinkle their noses, and now you see it all over the high-street. This Topshop skirt really do both look and feel nice compared to patent leather items bought for a lot cheaper in erotic boutiques.

Last summer I went to a fleamarket that I always visit while staying at my grandmother, we go there after having spent a few hours by a beach that I’ve went to since I was a little kid, and usually all three of us – grandmother, littlebrother and I – find at least two things to take along with us. I bought the ring from the picture above and have been wearing it like crazy the last few months for obvious reasons. The earrings are 80’s vintage.

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  • Reply Anonymous January 11, 2014 at 12:34 pm

    OMFG, that look is freakin out amazing, boy;)
    I love it…all best wishes sweet Sebastian xoxo

  • Reply Anonymous January 16, 2014 at 11:03 pm


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