Saline Simon


May 15, 2012
Eeeeek I finally got a new computer today and it’s so amazing! I have been using Kristoffer’s computer for more than 6 months and considering how much time I spend on my blogs and videos I can’t believe how we made it work with only one computer. I am so happy though, now I can get back to better blogging and I think I’m gonna get a new and better video editing program as well so I can make even better videos. 
Oh and the roses are from Kristoffer I got them yesterday, I have been loving having flowers in our apartment lately it’s such a lovely and fresh thing to look at.

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  • Reply Amy Valentine May 15, 2012 at 7:58 pm

    getting a new computer is just the best feeling! and the flowers are super pretty (:

  • Reply Saline Simon May 15, 2012 at 8:40 pm

    Yes you are so right! 🙂

  • Reply Max Nilsen June 5, 2012 at 5:55 pm

    Congratulations on your new computer! It looks so slim and portable. It would be much more fun to edit videos and write new posts with this. Ahhh, those roses are gorgeous! It's so sweet of Kristoffer to get you this beautiful bunch.

  • Reply Benita Bolland August 31, 2012 at 5:58 pm

    Way to go! How have you been doing with your new computer? It looks so sleek. Yeah, I'm also wondering how you managed to do all the stuff with just one computer… and for six months! Can you imagine that? So yeah, happy blogging! Cheers! 😀

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