I am very picky with what putting up on my walls and in my apartment, and I have spent a few months trying to decide what the accent colors should be. So I went with baby pink and might add in some lavender later on, but yesterday I went out and got these very beautiful vintage frames and printed out pictures of old Barbie dolls and put them in. I like to print out my own pictures to make it look more personal and I have blogged about projects like this before.
Basically I just spray painted the frames with a light pink paint, put in my pictures the way I wanted and they are now ready to be hung up. I think it will look so cute, now I just need my boyfriend to feel the same way!
Do you guys make personal decoration projects too?
This is very random, but I like your socks.
Also the vintage barbie theme is so creative! They'll definitely add a touch of uniqueness that no one else will have 🙂
Du er fucking awesome! Thats it.