Saline Simon

Lady Gaga, an inspiration and a hero.

January 23, 2011
photo from
I heard the new number ”Scheiße”
and once again i fell in love with a Lady Gaga song.
I’ve played it 223 times on iTunes since i got it, and
i can’t stop listening to it.
I’m really looking forward to get her new album,
when it comes out,
and i so hope that it’s going to be just as great as
”The Fame Monster”.

Ever since ”Just Dance” Lady Gaga had my attention.
I liked ”Just Dance” and ”Pokerface”,
but her music keeps getting better.
I have high expectations of ”Born This Way”
so i hope i won’t be disappointed.

Lady Gaga really means a lot too me.
There’s always at least one of her songs i love
and a lot of them bring back so many memories.
She can always make me smile, feel inspired
and take my mind off more important things,
and to me, that’s an incredible thing.
I saw her in October 2010, 
and it must have been the best concert i’ve ever been to.
She’s an amazing perfomance artist, 
and she made the audience feel loved.

October 20th, 2010
My look for the Lady Gaga concert –

”Ich Bin Mir Absolut Klar”

Kisses, Sebastian.

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1 Comment

  • Reply Kathrine March 18, 2011 at 8:33 am

    Fede sko!!

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