Saline Simon


July 7, 2012
As a complete shoe-whore and proud owner of the Lita Spikes the news of the Big-Lita made me totally excited, but now, after actually seing them.. Totally disappointed. They remind me of an ugly copy of the UNIF Hellbounds – that I actully like – but in a cheaper and more badly made way. I have a pair that looks almost like these anyway. This is really nothing new in my eyes. Give me the Catprint/Floral All Over Spiked Big-Lita though, and I’m in! 
What do you guys think?

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  • Reply Michael July 7, 2012 at 4:12 am

    Yeah they're definitely not for me. They look… lumpy almost. And I don't like the way the heel looks, it looks out of place (I find the same thing with the UNIF Hellbounds).

  • Reply Fashion Rocker July 7, 2012 at 7:41 am

    I've already seen lots of shoes that look very alike and similar , nothing new actually . I mean i like them but they're not original 🙂

  • Reply Saline Simon July 7, 2012 at 3:34 pm

    Yeah, I agree with both of you. So dissapointed!

  • Reply Nadia-Francina July 7, 2012 at 7:54 pm

    They aren't as good as the Hellbounds but I still love them. I'll be surprised if they're as popular as the regular Lita or the Hellbound but I personally own the Hellbounds and will be getting these regardless. I plan to wear my Hellbounds on more special occasions, or when I want to wear the coloured laces but, all other times, I'll wear the Big Lita, the Hellbounds can be a pain taking off and putting on because the laces don't stay laced up, the rivets for the laces have also fallen off of my shoe (and I'm not the only person I know who has had this problem with them either) so I'm currently in the process of getting them replaced. The Lita will just mean I can wear my Hellbounds less and preserve them I guess.

    • Reply Saline Simon July 10, 2012 at 8:46 am

      Thank you for telling me, I have been thinking about getting the Hellbounds as well but I'm not sure I'm willing to pay the money if they aren't in super duper quality. Besides that, they remind me too much of a pair of shoes I have already (like in this outfit post and I hardly ever wear them anyway. Boo 🙁

  • Reply Anonymous July 9, 2012 at 1:26 am

    reminds me of something KISS would wear. u know the rock band =)

  • Reply RickiVintage July 20, 2012 at 2:55 am

    I love Lita shoes, They are so perfect! But i wonder if they have any wide sizes?

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