Saline Simon

Finally I’ll be a real person again

March 27, 2013
Six months ago I went to visit a friend of mine in Copenhagen (you know, the kind of friend who’s into bear as much as yourself) and one night we decided to go out and have a great time. We woke up the next day, him naked and me fully dressed, both very, very hungover. His clothes was dribbling wet, we had run out of pizza and my iphone was gone. I felt like I had lost an arm the first few weeks, but didn’t have money to buy a new one at that time. Now, after six months, I finally ordered a new one! Seriously, me and phones.. In the past three years I’ve probably only had a phone for one and a half year. Typical. So excited to actually be able to call and text again wohoooo ♥♥♥♥

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1 Comment

  • Reply Sarah Buckosky April 1, 2013 at 7:40 am

    I'm glad to hear your getting a phone again; it is so important to have nowadays!

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