Just wanted to share a picture of my current hair. I don’t think it’s ever been this white and healthy at the same time. I thought I didn’t like it but then I put on my makeup and fixed my hair and it’s actually okay. At least for now until my new extensions and hairdyes will be here. What do you guys think? I feel like a Barbie!
hvis du vil have sundt og lækkert hår:
oliven olie-kur. kom olivenolie i håret (ca en halv kop) både i længderne og i hovedbunden. flet dit hår i en fransk fletning og sov med det. husk og læg et håndklæde over hovedpuden. kom shampoo i håret før du gør det vådt, og vask håret en ekstra gang.
den her olie er også virkelig god og billig! http://www.henkel.se/ses/content_images/GlissDailyOilElixir2012_254627_web_425H_425W.png
Tak tak! Jeg har arbejdet som frisør så jeg kender godt alle de gode billige tricks 🙂
Jeg synes alt hår, alle farver er smukke til dig!
Har endnu ikke set en der ikke passede!
Hi Sebastian, something strikes me and prompted me to ask you this question "How do you travel if you have to go thru the customs?" I mean, would you travel without makeup? Or did your passport shows a picture of you in female's profile? If so, how did you get your passport done with a female-looking photo indicating the gender as a male?
Tusind tak, Rikke! xo
I just travel as my normal self. I never thought about it like that, but yes I'm wearing makeup and a dress in my passport picture and my hair is also long and blonde. I am like this all the time, so if I had to look different in my passport it wouldn't make any sense haha. I can proof I'm a boy you know so I never had any problems with that 🙂