Saline Simon

Flower prints for spring.

April 10, 2012

I’ve been pretty hooked on flower prints for the past couple of months and seing it becoming more and more trendy is just my luck since it makes it so much easier to get my hands on it. I just really like clothes with a 70’s or 80’s vibe so usually I would just go second hand shopping to find stuff like this. Massive, funky flower prints will be big this spring/summer so I wanted to make a few outfits showing you how I will style it – I definitely think it’s a must for me to mix it with black, edgy items such as my spiked Jeffrey Campbell Lita’s that hopefully will arrive in may, and in general keep it cool and dark. I do like pastels, flowers and girly stuff, but my love for black will never die.
I’ve been considering using a bigger text? Do you like it or not?

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  • Reply Anonymous April 10, 2012 at 8:31 pm

    Hvor er blomster skjorten fra? 🙂

  • Reply AllisonK April 10, 2012 at 11:44 pm

    I completely feel the same way about floral prints and pastels. I have become obsessed with that! Black is always great too. Gotta have a little edge to your look! 🙂

  • Reply GypsyEye April 11, 2012 at 6:18 pm

    Awesome set you've made:D
    That's actually pretty cool that floral prints are trending this year and not just for spring. I too adore this style and of course I will always be a goth girl at heart ,so black is always a weakness of mine ;p About the bigger text, I think it would look good, I don't see too much of a problem with the text size you currently use, but which ever size you decide to use will be fine by me 😉

  • Reply Saline Simon April 12, 2012 at 12:11 pm

    Den er fra Dolce Gabbana 🙂

    Yeah a little (or lots of) black is always great. I just think black adds a kind of classyness to any outfit. I'm glad you agree 😛

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