Saline Simon


May 27, 2012
I went to a masquerade birthday party last night and wore my glitter kitty mask that I bought in H&M’s kids department a few years back. I also wore my corset – most of the night – and my new spiked lita boots. My friend Anna who were also the birthday child tied my corset as tight as it could get and I was kinda amazed about how tiny my waist looked. Oh and it made my shoulders look insanely broad, I think it looked so weird and nice haha. In the early morning I went home and have been hungover ever since. Booh.

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  • Reply laura May 27, 2012 at 10:57 pm

    just when i think you cannot get more stunning looking you go and post that second corsetted photo. wow!!! what is the maker of that corset?

  • Reply Saline Simon May 28, 2012 at 11:39 am

    I'm not sure.. I bought it in a sex shop years ago, so I think it's just a cheap version of a corset. I paid 600 DKK for it and I know some good quality corsets are insanely expensive!

  • Reply GypsyEye May 28, 2012 at 7:26 pm

    Very cool!! I need a corset like that!

  • Reply お菓子 Okashi Lau May 29, 2012 at 8:29 pm

    I'd really like to be one of your friend *_*

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