Saline Simon

Homemade avocado facemask

March 31, 2013
Tonight we had a lovely avocado salad for dinner and since there were a few avocados left I decided to make a homemade facemask out of them – I always love spending sundays without plans doing something nice to pamper myself like long baths, facemasks, hairtreatments and so on. This is super easy to do and doesn’t cost a lot, so I just wanted to share it with you guys. Oh and obviously a lovely no-makeup-green-shit-on-ma-face-photo as well!
All you need is 1 avocado, a few spoons of plain yoghurt and a little honey.
Mash the avocado with a fork, add the yoghurt and honey and mix it together until it gets sort of sticky, then remove all makeup from your face, rinse with hot water and just dry off your face with a towel. Leave the facemask on for about and hour and then rinse it off and your face will feel wonderful and refreshed! There’s a lot of wonderful vitamins and fibers in avocados and I love that this is super affordable.

You could also switch up the ingredients a bit and add bananas or use hot water instead of plain yoghurt – it’s all up to you 

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  • Reply Sarah Buckosky April 1, 2013 at 7:42 am

    Having a spa like day is the best. Monday nights are like that for me; hair mask and face mask…sometimes nails too!
    Have a great week!

  • Reply Anonymous April 10, 2013 at 8:05 pm

    Love avocado. Love Sebastian's face. Avocado on Sebastian's face…

  • Reply Saline Simon April 11, 2013 at 6:50 pm

    Hahaha <3

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