Simply lines. Thick materials. Plaids, lace and faux leather. These are all things that I’m absolutely lusting over right now, and all things will be perfect for winter. I’m obsessed with plaids (which I guess you can say the highstreet is too, just my luck huh?) but I feel like the fabric doesn’t have to be plain and boring as long as the lines are. Not feeling over accessorizing either, I really feel like keeping it simple in every way – top it off with a pair of over knee heels, some warm tights, the perfect red lipstick and a black hat with ears and you’re ready to go.
I’ve picked out all of these items over at, they have so many great pieces in just the right colors for christmas and the holiday season. I’m planning on dying my hair bright red really soon so everything green, yellow, white and black will be fabulous with my new hair. Oh and links to all items can be found on my polyvore right here.
What are you guys lusting over for the holiday season?
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