Saline Simon

Latest eBay finds

March 26, 2014
I may or may not have gone a bit overboard with my eBay and etsy shopping lately, but I have very valid excuses for once. Also it’s been forever since I did one of these eBay shopping updates, so I thought now would be a good time to start again. I’ve tried to link to everything, but since some of these items – like the Jeffrey Campbell shoes and Wildfox clothing – were one of a kind items I won, I’ve just linked you guys to the specific sellers.
I’ve officially banned myself from shopping until next month, cause we really just can’t risk becoming eBay addicts, right? So my watch-list is getting longer and longer and in reality I should just log off the internet so I won’t be tempted. Did you guys find any interesting treasures on eBay lately?

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  • Reply The Pride March 27, 2014 at 3:05 am

    I found these cheap shoes that are pretty awesome.
    Great for wet days when you don't want to ruin your more expensive shoes.

    • Reply Saline Simon March 27, 2014 at 7:37 pm

      Thanks for the tip, darling! Not really my style though 😛

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