Saline Simon

30 days blog challenge!

February 10, 2011
So.. I thought about it for a while, and decided that i wanted to try. 
So for the next thirty days (or maybe not every day) 
a new challenge will be uploaded on my blog.
I couldn’t find a challenge that i really liked, so i’ve mixed a few lists,
and added something myself!
Day 1. A photo of yourself, and how your day was.
Day 2. A photo of something you ate today.
Day 3. ”A day in life”, pictures taken this day.
Day 4. A photo of your cellphone.
Day 5. A photo of yourself two years ago.
Day 6. A photo of yourself without make-up.
Day 7. A photo of yourself, taken by someone else.
Day 8. A photo of someone you like, and a song to match your mood.
Day 9. A photo of the item you last purchased.
Day 10. A photo of you and your closest friend.
Day 11. What’s in your make-up bag?
Day 12. Your favourite movie. 
Day 13. What’s in your fridge?
Day 14. A photo of you and your family.
Day 15. The ten first songs on iTunes, when it’s on shuffle.
Day 16. What’s in your bag?
Day 17. Something DIY.
Day 18. A photo of your apartment/house.
Day 19. A picture of yourself.
Day 20. Your current wishlist.
Day 21. A screenshot of your computer background.
Day 22. A photo of you as a child.
Day 23. Your next plan coming up, that you are exited about.
Day 24. A photo of your handwriting.
Day 25. Your favourite color.
Day 26. A celebrity you don’t like, and why.
Day 27. A photo of you last year and now, and how you changed.
Day 28. A collection of something you have.
Day 29. Where are you five years from now?
Day 30.  Today’s outfit and three good things that happened the last thirty days.

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