Saline Simon

2010, pink hair and a new design!

January 9, 2011
First of all!
I’m gonna do my blog in english from now on, so more people can read it.

So. I dyed my hair pink, and i really love it.
I’ve been so bad to my hair the last year, so my plan is to stick to the pink
and let my hair grow thick and long again.
But here it is –

I’m so glad 2010 finally ended.
For me, it was a chaotic year, with lots of changes, lots of bad episodes, a long, bad crush
and the death of a person i really loved.
I moved away from home in April, which was kind of hard now and then,
i’ve had way too much stuff in my head, to care more about myself, 
the people i love, and most of all my education. 
People have been feeling, that i’ve changed a lot, and for that i’m sorry..
So, i can’t wait to start living 2011 in a much better way!

I got a new boyfriend, which is probably one of the best things that have happened
to me in a very long time. He’s amazing, and i really feel that for once,
it’s really going to work.
The way i feel around him, is totally new to me,
and he makes me feel like a little girl in love.
One of the best parts of him must be his love for Quentin Tarantino –
my favourite instructor. Haha. Well.. Silly thing.
Here we are <3

My new year’s eve ended better than i expected.
Sebastian came to Kolding, we talked for an hour at my place, and then
we went to new year’s party at Halfdan.
I was reeeeally drunk – as always – 
but luckily for me, my darling friends carried me all the way home.
Thanks! Sadly, i broke my pink stiletto.
I think i’m gonna end for now, but i’ll probably update some more,
now that my design is finished.

New Year pictures:


Kisses, Sebastian Simon.

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  • Reply Balaphoto January 9, 2011 at 11:40 am

    Excellent shots!! Salut!!!

    Happy MMXI!!!

    Frank, Barcelona

  • Reply Emilia January 9, 2011 at 2:11 pm

    You look cuute together :3
    and I am loving your hair !

  • Reply Sofie Ewertsen Nissen January 9, 2011 at 3:32 pm

    Det er virkelig fedt dit hår 🙂

  • Reply Saline Simon January 10, 2011 at 5:17 pm

    Aww, mange tak!

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